Thursday 8 May 2008

God Help Us All

Well, here is a fine pickle indeed

Is it an unerring sense that all bosses are honest that allows this sort of Orwellian rubbish to go on or simply any excuse to list, categorize and label people for some later grand master plan?

It got me thinking about my reaction to other lists, such as the ones that are used for credit checking. If I fall out with a company who give me shoddy service I may refuse to pay them, it does not mean I will refuse to pay the next, so why blacklist me?

I am sure the answer is just in case, but that really is not good enough by any standard. Let's do it to him just in case, quite chilling really.

If sense is to prevail in this country we need to awaken to the dangers this type of thing already causes. The most famous example being the Sex Offenders Register, now has some 30000 plus people on it for offences ranging from having sex with a bike to the most vicious child rape and murder. Being on any list implies a homogenised, one size fits all way of thinking that the current government seems to love so dearly, oh for a little nuance, just the slightest glint of grey.

We already know that miscreants and mountebanks have benefited financially from lying about rape and other offences with the myriad false accusations exposed in the media, so what makes the Home Office and the Retail Consortium thing the same is not going to happen here. The National Staff Dismissal Register (NSDR)as it will be called, will provide openings for unscrupulous malcontents, spiteful or bitter co-workers and bosses on the fiddle to simply set up a member of staff with no recourse to a court and without the police being called. More ruined lives on the pyre that has become New Labours oh so caring nanny state. But the behemoth grinds on.

If, as with the reclassification of Cannabis the message is that one problem individual is too much to keep it at level C, then why does this thinking not apply elsewhere? One ruined innocent life, and perhaps their friends and family is one to many, it may be time to abandon lists all together Mr Brown.

Alternatively, perhaps the best idea may be to set up a list of people not yet on a list, then they can set up businesses, marry,socialise, live with and near others on the not yet on a list list.

Sex offenders can do the same, with 30000 that could easily be a small thriving community on its own.

The non creditworthy could become the new underclass (if they are not already) and we could house all Daily Mail readers in a twee bubble covered town on the outskirts of London.

Oh bugger, I just made a list!

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