Thursday 29 May 2008

An Instructional Guide on How to Accuse Someone of Abuse. Who Would be an Uncle?

Illness has unfortunately curtailed my blogging recently but back on my feet now and what a nice juicy way to start with this little gem from the child abuse industry.

Not content with demonising men in general, this little leaflet of hate targets Uncles as the new monster in the midst and its message is dangerous propaganda that will encourage false allegations and should scare any right thinking parent with young children.

Children are susceptible to ideas, lack a real adult conscience and will tell stories if it will get them off the hook and/or obtain a desired outcome. Providing literature that could feed a narrative painting familial relationships as suspicious and malevolent is a dangerous and irresponsible thing to do. The child abuse industry, particularly in familial cases, enjoys the cloak of anonymity that the family courts allow and it would be very hard indeed for us to see the resultant increase in false allegations of abuse that trash such as this leaflet could cause.

The odious organisation that the NSPCC has become does a disservice to an area of work (child protection) that attracts a lot of caring and socially concious people who genuinely want to help kids or families in trouble. They themselves should be encouraged but is it not time the NSPCC were brought to task by the charities commission?

The comment by the Childline representative states:

"The NSPCC produced this magazine because our research has shown that significant numbers of children who experience child abuse or bullying tell nobody and suffer in silence. We want to raise awareness so that children speak out sooner and, as necessary, receive the help and support that they need."

I have to suppress a yawn, the same old mantra trotted out as justification for the outrageous spin and marketing activities they continue to carry out. When charities such as this become pro-active recruiters in such a way then they have joined the ranks of lawyers who actively recruit historic abuse cases with the lure of compensation as the pay off. The pay off in the case of the NSPCC and Childline is that any miscreant child with a grudge or simply a fit of pique at not getting their own way, can now receive all the lavish attention they want by simply targeting Uncle Bill.

The usual suspects will of course remind us that children do not lie about abuse. Well time to wake up and smell the roses, children will lie about anything, not necessarily maliciously, but because they are children, impressionable, living in a world filled with mental flights of fancy and quite capable of starting a band wagon with one foolish lie that will mean they have to keep lying to save there own skins.

Once the child abuse industries cogs begin to grind they are almost unstoppable. A friend of mine recently told me that when he attempted to chastise a lad who had been bullying his son, the lads first words were,

"Touch me and I will say that you abused me"

Lovely indeed, and if he had told that lie what would have happened? Would he get a deserved wallop from his parents, a good telling off perhaps? Not likely I am afraid, the NSPCC and its ilk would have shot into action and like a pack of slavering hyaenas pounced on my friend who would have quite possibly had his life ruined.

With the help of the NSPCC and the child abuse industry generally, we have demonised men in all their guises and tainted sex, a wonderful thing that is now seen as nothing more than a negative to many children and young people. Who would be an Uncle? If you take my advice very few of you, stay away from the children, unless you are naive enough to think it couldn't happen to you.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you for your comments on this situation. It is a relief to see that there are some who still approach these things sensibly. The "sexual abuse hysteria" has caused many to believe that children would never make up such a thing. If you do the research, you will see that numerous studies have proven false allegations are extremely common. Children are very impressionable and do not understand the magnitude of 'crying abuse.' Look at how often men are being released after years in prison because DNA has proven they did not commit their crimes. Propaganda like this leaflet open a floodgate for more innocents to have their lives turned upside down and possibly face prison sentences. People accused of abuse are often convicted without evidence because judges and juries find it better to err on the side of caution. Power and lack of accountability are a dangerous combination. It is high time that social service workers were made to be responsible for their actions.